Sunday, December 27, 2009

a good mind writer

i used to write on my blog just for fun, so i have something to do in my spare time. yeah i used to.. but now i realize even i just write for myself, some ppl out there may do a blogwalking someday and read what i've written here, or see the images i've uploaded.
so i don't want them to be not worth things to see or read.
i want to be a good mind-writer.. okay, for me a blogger is not just an ordinary writer. a blogger is a mind-writer. bloggers spill out their thoughts. even they just write about their daily activities they'll spill their thoughts and their feels automatically. thoughts and feels are parts of mind, so i think that blogger equals a mind writer..
i just really wish that what i've written here cud motivate anyone who read, or at least made them happy. i'll learn how to do that. wish me luck.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


what is tumblr anyway? itu hampir sama ky blog kan?
gue sempet terpikir untuk punya deh.. tapi gue pikir buat apa juga punya blog ampe dua gitu.. ky bisa ngurusnya aja.. apalagi kan gue orangnya angot angotan. ahaha
btw btw, gue baca baca postingan gue yang lama lama nih.. sumpah bodoh abis.
pengen ngerapiin blog ini. tapi males.. haha

eh balik ke topik, soal tumblr nih.. ada yang bisa jelasin ke gue apa kelebihannya? soalnya gue liat beberapa tumblr orang ya sama aja ky blog. so what's so special about it maaan? kasi tau gueee

Friday, December 25, 2009

happy birthday, lil brudda :)

yo yooooo. today's December 25th. Happy xmas for u who celebrate, and happy birthday to my lil' brudda :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

my note on FB

can't see it clearly?

nih isinya :

my big apologize to all of u guys who don't like me cos my style is kinda weird for u.. or my photographs are pretty annoying. everybody has a different point of view and a right to speak.

so i just want to say that i really regret if any or all of my pictures disturbing you.
i know, you know, we see. not everyone is so in to Harajuku style. but i am!! and it's my right to dressed up as i want. yaaaa selama gue ga minta modal ama lu so please just SHUT UP!!
please look at me as the way i am!!
at least, if u don't like my style.. please just keep silent..

so start from now, please stop writing on my wall if all u wanna write is just mocking at my style!!
please stop chat me if all u wanna say is just telling me how strange i am..

i know i am strange but WHAT-ARE-YOU?

it's okay if u think that i am one of what u call A to the LAY

but just FOR YOUR INFORMATION!!! even Gwen Stefanie and Avril Lavigne are so in to Harajuku

so if u don't like my style and u can't keep ur unlikeness for urself, do not say anything and JUST DELETE ME FROM YOUR FRIENDS LIST

P.S. : i am getting sick of being underestimated

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


i am back bloggers!! almost crazy cos my new life as a college student is rly hard to live.
so it's not easy for me to stay in tune and constantly write on my blog.
so i apologize..

now i am free for a while. libur ampe awal februari coooooy..

btw, wanna share my feeling about college life :


gue ga suka ama dosen gue, kadang ga nyaman ama temen temen baru gue, dan pelajarannya nyekek leher.. i am so fucked up beyebeeeeeh. hell yeah..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

from me to you

Dear followers. Long time no seeeee. I mean it’s been looooong long time ago since I wrote the last post in my blog (hehe lebay.. paling sebulanan doang sih yaaa gw ga nulis). I’ve been too busy to post anything here. College stuffs. Mulai dari ospek sampe kos kosan. Its sickening!!! Really.
Beside, it rly makes me HOMESICK!! Tapi karena udah sebulan, gue udah mulai terbiasa. I have my own ‘family’ here. Maksud gue, ada 5 orang temen SMA gue yang satu kos kosan ama gue, ditambah Oppon temen sejurusan gue. They’re my happy friendmily.. 5 orang temen gue ada ct, mia, inong, iyas, uchie. Hm hm.. gue ga berasa pindahan ke kosan tapi berasa nginep di rumah temen aja..
Am happy so far.. sebulan ini banyak belajar mandiri dan tabah. Tapi dua hari ini gue kok sedih lagi yaa.. denger inong mau pindah ke STAN.. as i said, everyone is free to catch the sun. Tapi sedih aja inget dulu berjuang bareng bareng. Dan friendmily gue bakal ilang satu. I know i sud not cry.. but i just dont knw why this tears keep falling down. Harusnya kan gue bangga ama inong yaaa.. hehe
Pacar gue bilang kalo gue ga bisa maksain tiap orang buat selalu ada deket sama gue setiap saat. Itu namanya gue egois. But i just don’t know... am pretty egoistic and that’s meeeee. Jujur aja sih gue masih berharap inong berubah pikiran but who am i anyway?? Maaf ya nong gue ga bisa jadi temen yang baik.. tapi i’ll try to support you 100%.
These are from me to you.. mudah mudahan lu inget selalu kalo dulunya lu pernah jadi bagian dari yellow jacket and it’ll last forever

YOU, and yr dadakan-roommate

me, you, ct

after the IT day

your profile picture

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

distance, infinity, and memorizing batavia

i miss batavia. it's been a long time since the last time i went there. i always do photosession everytime i go there. never boring..
here are my old photo stocks. i love batavia very much. the sky always look so beautiful. i hope i can go there before i move to depok. oh! btw, there just 3 days left before i move. i'm so sad anyway..

stasiun jakarta kota

location : stasiun jakarta kota
taken by : me
edited by :

lets go somewhere by train

location : stasiun jakarta kota
taken by : me
edited by :


location : stasiun jakarta kota
taken by : me
edited by :

evening in batavia

location :batavia
taken by : me
edited by :

Monday, July 27, 2009



tiap kali mau update deviantart, gue pasti minder! HUH

Saturday, July 25, 2009

we do ♥ BITCH!! oops.. beach..

the title of my newest photo album on facebook
cekedot if you dont mind :)

went to the beach last wednesday, had vaca lava with my classmates.
did 3 photosessions. it was fun, so far...

album cover. eh?

this photo means narsis dulu aaaaah

introducing my analogue camera : kuroppon

vintage effect

wrote on the sand with iyas :)


it was not really good, i cudnt see the sun set
no cloud, no orange light..
it's a bit disappointing
but it doesnt matter for me, i can make it myself :P

model : heyna
taken by :
edited by :

model : heyna
taken by :
edited by : me

model : bams
taken by :
edited by : me

model : iyas
taken by : me
edited by : me

oh! and i made it for my bf

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

i reveal socialite's yearbook! :D

actually it has been a loooooong time since the pictures were taken. but CT asked everyone not to reveal it until the yearbooks were given to the students.
and i do love it so damn much :)
it was amazing to dressed up ourself in every unique costumes. we did mini carnival (haha usso!!). but i believe many people thought so :D LOL

beautiful togetherness.. i'll miss it..

portrait mode, compare it with the landscape one :D

i really love this one.. don't know why.. ^^

ayo tebak gue yang mana dehhhhh? xDD


haha gue ama iyas sama sama megangin jidat. SILLY!

look at my back ribbon! it's cute. isn't it? :D

Friday, June 19, 2009

gendut =______=

Happy holiDA(y)MN

I'm getting bigger cuz i do nothing but eating and sleeping.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

eh? what's going on here?

Well.. It had successfully made me surprised..
Di mana gue ehm.. Beberapa hari menjelang pengumuman UAN merasa sangat nervous dan gila (read my post : i'm such a lost pig). Dan kenyataan bahwa pengumuman UAN diundur tanpa kepastian bikin semua tambah parah dan gue pun semakin parno! Oh hell! Everything seemed to be bad signs for me!
Sampe sampe gue ga peduli lagi ama pengumuman. Pasrah dot com.

Terus tanggal 15 sore, iyas sms gini :
Lulusss! Ngeliat nilainya mesti pake no.ujian

pas itu gue baru banget bangun tidur. Terus gue jalan ke ruang tengah sambil bergumam nggak jelas (gue sendiri nggak inget ngegumam apa). Ada bokap gue ternyata, nonton tipi. Gue langsung bilang kalo pengumuman UAN udah keluar dan bokap gue nanya "Lulus nggak?". Gue jawab "Belom liat".

Terus gue ke ruang tamu, cemas. Ga berani buka pengumuman di web sekolah gue. Akhirnya gue sms iyas, minta tolong liatin pengumuman gue.
Cemas.. *beeeeep*. Suara suara *beep* mulai muncul lagi di kepala kepala gue. Aaaaargh what a damn mess!!
Terus gue memutuskan buat sholat ashar dulu. Berdoa. Eh pas gue sholat rakaat ke 3, hape gue bunyi tanda sms masuk. Bikin gue ga khusyu (kalo gue sholat emang jarang banget khusyu sebenernya). Ah!

terus gue sholat cepet-cepet. Tapi pas udahan, gue malah nggak berani baca. *beeeep* parno lagi. Gue minta bokap gue yang bacain. Dia buka smsnya terus baca kenceng-kenceng nilai gue, ga disebutin lulus apa enggak. Oh me! My brain was attacked by lagMONSTER! Menyebabkan otak gue bekerja lebih lambat.
"Nilai segitu lulus nggak?" gue nanya tanpa mikir.
"Ya iyalah! Kamu gimana? Nilai kamu jauh di atas standar kelulusan!! Bagus!" jawab nyokap.

*beeeep* hokcay

Besoknya gue ke sekolah ngambil surat keterangan lulus. Eh bu dwi (wali kelas gue) dengan sumringah nyamperin gue. Terus nyodorin tangannya. Gue kira dia minta gue salim ama dia, jadi gue cium tangannya. Tapi pas gue liat, muka dia kayak bingung gitu. "Selamat ya, kamu peringkat 2 UAN" katanya. Gue mangap. Ga yakin ama apa yang barusan gue denger. "Eh? Apa bu?" gue bego mendadak (dari dulu sih rasanya).
"Kamu peringkat 2 UAN, Selamat ya ditra.." terus bu dwi pergi meninggalkan gue yang masih bengong.

OH GOD! Terimakasih karena Engkau selalu memberi mukjizat dalam hidup hambamu yang kecil ini (asiiik bahasanya minta ditampol) xD

Thursday, June 11, 2009

i'm such a lost pig.. =.=

Hell.. I think I lost myself since about 2 weeks ago. Hm.. kata orang, gue linglung.
My mother said that it was fine, karena itu emang kebiasaan gue kalo nunggu pengumuman sesuatu. Okay.. June 13th 2009 I’ll get the result of UN. It drives me mmmh not a bit but.. CRAZY FOR SURE!!(efek lebay). Gue jadi sering ngelamun dan ketakutan gitu.. Bener-bener kayak orang yang tersesat di hutan (hah? Emangnya gimana? Emang gue pernah tersesat di hutan ya?).
I’m sooooooo nervous, people!! Wish me luck wish me luck wish me looooooooots of luck!!

perasaan gue sekarang kurang lebih ya kayak anak babi di atas.. hiks

Hhh I need to refresh my mind, I want anything but can makes me relax and happy for real!! S.O. S!!

Btw, if you like the image above you can find other images on my site :

WISH ME LUCK, or my mother will shoot!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

me (and inong) do love this blog

Blog that inspires me so much..

gue nggak berani promosiin soalnya gue nggak kenal ama orangnya.
Awalnya gue tau blog ini dari inong sih.. Cuz inong adores this blog. Dia sering cerita cerita ke gue tentang blog ataupun empunya. Jadi gue iseng iseng baca. Dan gue jadi keterusan baca!! This blog's really adorable.

sebenarnya blognya nggak terlalu gimana gimana banget.. it's quite simple.. Layoutnya sederhana, page elementnya juga biasa aja, isinya juga nggak njelimet dan nggak bikin gue males baca. Isinya rata-rata juga cuma keseharian dia, lagu lagu yang dia suka, referensi film, video, dan foto-foto. Tapi entah kenapa ya.. Gue suka aja baca blog blog begitu. Jujur, nggak ribet, dan nggak lebay. Banyak cerita dia yang menginspirasi gue, kadang bikin gue iri dan gigit jari memang.. Tapi i do do do do love her fingers and her mind.

keywords : jepang, indonesia, fb kita didelete dia nong! (haha inong pasti tau deh blog siapa yang gue maksud)

sebenernya sayang banget kalo blog ini nggak banyak yang tau.. pengen gue link sebenernya, cuma sepertinya pemiliknya agak kurang bersahabat.. Hey! It doesn't mean that i do judge a book by its cover ya.. Tapi pengalaman membuktikan.. Hehe..
Well.. Happy blog walking ya all.. :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

*beep* *beep* S.O.S *beep*

miserable. the only word that describe whatta feel exactly now. i don't know the reason why.. i just can't find..
hhh.. *beep* *beep* *beeeep*
well.. is that normal? i mean, lu pernah juga nggak ngerasain? i'm sooo blue... *beep*
haaa~ banyak bip di kepala gue.. unexplainable..

mungkin karena terlalu banyak yang gue simpen, sampe gue 'penuh' terus 'nggak muat' lagi.. jadi meledak. bahkan tadi gue cuma ngedenger lagu Yui yang Love and Truth, and i found myself cry.. sesengukan.

Dulu sasya pernah gini juga.. Sedih tapi nggak tau sebabnya.. Terus nangis..

banyak.. nggak cuma satu masalah gue.. capek.. :(
gue udah kayak mengidap schizophernia deh.. Banyak kata-kata di kepala gue..

iyas jangan kos dong~
kangen sasya~
cemas nunggu pengumuman UAN~
gimana kontrakan?
belom dapet kebaya~
takut... hhh...
and so on and so on..
sepele ya? Cuma gue salah ditahan-tahan jadi semuanya jadi masalah..

need sasya's tummy so baaaad.. Haha. (dulu sasya pernah bilang : "Kalo neechan mau nangis jangankan pundak, perut juga gue pinjemin deh!!").

Cepet tanggal 14 dong.. Aku stresss! S.O.S

Saturday, May 30, 2009

an absurd song : "i know i love you before i meet you"

Tau lagunya Savage Garden yang judulnya "i know i love you before i meet you" nggak?
OH MAN! You don't need to know it, actually.. dari judulnya aja lu bisa tau betapa lebay dan absurdnya tuh lagu. Dan gue baru sadar itu di usia gue yang udah 18 tahun!! How comeee? (ya karena dulu gue ga bisa bahasa inggris, asal nyeblak aja kalo nyanyi.. yang penting enak..)
Maksud gue, dulu gue suka banget tuh lagu.. Emang enak sih lagunya.. Dan kalo didengerin sekarang ya tetep enak.. (gimana sih lu dit??)

Tapi absurd ya ternyata.. Liat aja judulnya dah. Gimana bisa lu cinta ama orang sebelum ketemu orang itu? I meaaaan.. Kalo lu denger keseluruhan lagunya, maksud "meet" di lagu ini bukan ketemu, tapi belom kenal dan belom ketemu. So, savage garden, i've one question for youuuu : "Apa kerjaanlu bertapa selain bikin lagu?". Gila.. Hebat aja.. Ki joko bodo aja ga tau sapa jodohnya..

another favorite blog :)

Follow this blog : for you who do love cameras and photographs, it's a very nice blog to be recomended. check it out!!

ini salah satu blog favorit gue. Punya temen yang satu ekskul fotografi ama gue. Namanya Quly. She's a master of natural photographs. Beda aliran ama gue yang kebanyakan manipulasi ya? hehe..
Dia tau banyak soal kamera, menurut gue. Secara dia megang macem macem kamera dari yang analog ampe digital.
Lebih suka foto natural, it doesn't mean that she can not manipulate a photo. Liat aja beberapa fotonya yang di retouch. Totally ROCKS!!

so you should should shouuuuld visit her blog!! And find out how amazing she is :D

Kangen.. :(

kalo liat foto-foto ini, jadi inget hampir setahunan yang lalu socialite pergi praktek lapangan ke kampung naga. merasakan hidup menderita namun bahagia.... tanpa listrik, batre hape abis mau charge aja berebutan chargeran atau stop kontak XD.
nggak kerasa banget sih ternyata udah setahun lalu ya.. bentar lagi mau pada mencar-mencar.. heav.. i'll be missing them all...

foto bareng di depan kampung naga

naik rakit di situ cangkuang :D

way back homeeeeeee :)

p.s. : kenapa gue tiba tiba pengen nge post soal ini soalnya katanya kampung naga bakal ditutup gara-gara ada peralihan minyak ke gas sehingga masyarakat ampung naga ga mampu lagi buat beli minyak..

makanyaaaaaa KANGEEEEEEEN

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

wanna throw your N73 and get a new blakberry bold?? pikir lagi dehhh..

kenapaaaaaa? karena menurut gue.... kualitas kamera BBB nggak sebagus N73
let me show yaaaaaaa.. dengan sedikit manipulasi jepretan N73 bisa jadi bagus looooh :)

all of those images above were taken by N73 :)

(will) Dreams Really DO Come True (?) :nohope:

What day is it? It's Tuesday, May 26th 2009.

Two days more, and i'll be 18 years old. Heav!! I'm getting older.
I've stopped making a wish on my birth day since i was 7. Yea.. karena gue tau kalo gue nggak bakal dapet yang gue mau meskipun itu cuma hadiah sepele yang nggak mahal-mahal amat..
But now.. I'm really thinking of the things i want for my birth day and writing down 5 things i don't give fuck about.

1. DSLR nikon D90
Karena gue emang suka banget fotografi tapi nggak pernah punya kamera yang bagus buat motret. I really want it.. really really.. that's why i put it on the top of my wishlists..
GOD!! It's damn fabulous.. May you give me one? Not now huh? O.K. no problemo..

2. Notebook
Actually i don't really craving for it, but i can't deny i (will) need it. My father will give it to me. He has promised. Acer please pa..

3. Blackberry Bold
For what? Biar gaul aja sih.. haha :ditimpukbatu:

4. iPod
I do love music.. And i really want to own it.. But once again i have no hope that i'll get it..

5. Teddy Bear
When i was a little girl, i really wanted it for my birth day present but until now, i have not had it. May be my boyfriend will gimme? :nohope:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

hari burung gitchan dan Abraham Lincoln

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.." ~ Abraham Lincoln

itu status update FBnya gitchan, temen gue yang hari ini ulang tahun. I love that quote. It really sounds wise, doesn't it? :D
happy bird day gitchan.. Selamat hari burung XD XD

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Nice Quote, Tanjoubi Omedetou Inong!!

Well.. I got myself motivated after i read this quote. Hope you'll be the same. This is for my people who still can't decide what he/she wants. Especially for you, who gonna face UMB or SNMPTN and doesn't have any idea about what major you'll choose in the University. Here we go..

You have brain in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose
You are on your own and you know what you know and you are the one who'll decide where you'll go on the place you'll go

Sebenarnya sih.. I dedicate this post for Inong, my smart classmate yang bakal ikut UMB. Karena sepertinya dia masih ragu sama jurusan yang bakal dipilihnya.. And because today is May 1st and it means, today is her birthday.. I really wanna say ''TANJOUBI OMEDETOU, INONG!!'' and "GANBATTE FOR UMB!!"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

facing the winter

i'm a bit tired now.. getting sick of all business and troubles around me. my heart is whole and my brain leaves me.
i have so many things to do but i am doing nothing now.
i have so much left to say but i am talking to no one but myself right now..
I gotta face it i guess..
Whether i want it or not..

good luck for the winter, friends.. (and me)
remember it is 5 days left.. hmmm.. then i can sing 'hum dum dee doo' and let my freak out after all..

x o x o

Friday, April 10, 2009

meh.. ini yang mana yang dicontreng?

"Diiiiiiit!!! nyontreng!!!" lagi enak-enak tidur suara nyokap gua dengan cemprengnya sukses bikin gua jatoh dari tempat tidur.
Nyawa gua masih pada mencar-mencar, susah banget ngumpulinnya. gua denger pintu kamar gua digedor-gedor dari luar.


"iya bentar.."

gua keluar, nyokap nggak ada di depan pintu. capek kali nungguin gua ngumpulin nyawa. jam setengah delapan pagi. gua nongkrong di depan tipi, di depan kamar nyokap gua yang udah rapi jali..
gua : "duileee mau ke mana bu? rapi amat nyontreang doang.."
nyokap : "mandi sono.. nyantai lagi.."
gua : "ah.. males.."

gua cuma pake celana pendek gembelan sama kaos tidak layak pakai. nyokap gua bilang gua kayak gembel, emang sih.. jadi gua cuma bisa nyengir dan terpaksa ganti baju.

bokap : "mandi sono.. bau!"
gua : "ilaaah.. abis tidur doang sih.. nggak keringetan.."

*pri memori*

eh gua dapet urutan nomer berapa ya tadi? 74 dah kalo nggak salah.. bokap 75, nyokap 76..
jadi tempat nyoblos gua adep-adepan ama bokap.
pas nomer gua dipanggil gua maju. kaget.
"lah? kok kertas suaranya setebel bantal?? banyak lagi.." *tampang males*

gua masuk ke bilik (halah kok jadi kayak tempat orang buang hajat dah namanya.. tapi gapapa dah..)
ngebuka kertas pertama. "jaaaaah.. gede amat..."

gua ngadep panitia. "eh? ini apanya yang dicontreng ya?" *ketauan begonya*
panitia jawab "oh terserah adek aja mau nyontreng yang mana..". gua mangap.
"oh.. he'eh dah..". sama sekali nggak membantu..

karena nggak ngerti, gua nunggu ampe bokap masuk ke biliknya dan ngegangguin bokap.
gua : "dita mesti nyontreng yang mana? siapa? nomer berapa?"
bokap : "si *beeeeeep* aja, sama si *beeeeeeep* suaminya guru kamu, yang duanya lagi terserah kamu.."
gua : "si *beeeeeep* partai apa?"
bokap : "partai *beeeeeeep*"

dua pilihan lagi gua nyontreng partainya aja, terus yang satu lagi tuh.. yang cuma ada nama ama foto calon, gua pilih yang paling ganteng.. kalo nanti si ganteng itu bikin hancur negara dan tidak bisa menyejahterakan rakyat.. gua termasuk berdosa karena memilih dia.. habis ganteng.. yang laen udah pada tua.. hhhhhhh

yang penting gua punya bukti kalo gua juga berpartisipasi. look at this pic xD

kelingking gua ungu xDD

Monday, April 6, 2009

nah.. i'm not alice who played in wonderland

finally i am back to the world of shots and manipulations :)
this pict is taken by jii chan my younger brother.. "thnx dear.. i love you.."
and edited by me :D

Friday, April 3, 2009


pagi ini gua terbangun dengan perut yang sakit. GOSH! I found red spot on my underwear!! what the hell.. padahal hari ini gua ada Try Out UN!! udah jatoh, ketiban gajah!

okay.. i went to school and did two damn tests. pertama gue tes bahasa indonesia. sumpah deh!! ga ngertiiii! I'm indonesian but i don't uderstand Bahasa Indonesia!! It's freaking complicated.
Yaaa kalo sekedar bahasa gaulnya aja gua bisa.. Tapi kalo mesti bahasa baku.. mending gua ngomong bahasa hewan dah (kayak bisa aja lu dit??!). Gataaaaaal.

Soal soalnya ngebingungin banget.. Dari 50 soal, gua nggak ada yang yakin satu pun!! I'm such a fool, am i?? Noooo.. That's not my fault. Emang soalnya aja yang kurang ajar.. Coba aja jawab ni soal dah!!

38. Cermatilah gurindam berikut!

Apabila anak tidak dilatih
Jika besar bapaknya letih

Maksud gurindam tersebut adalah...
A. Anak harus disekolahkan dari kecil supaya membantu bapaknya.
B. Anak harus dilatih dari kecil supaya menurut kepada orang tua.
C. Anak yang tidak diberi pelatihan oleh orang tuanya dapat menimbulkan permasalahan.
D. Anak yang tidak diberi pendidikan oleh orang tuanya dapat menjadi malas.
E. Anak yang dididik sejak kecil akan membahagiakan bapaknya.

so what's your answer??
okay.. because my mind was really blank.. i chose the longest choice. gua pilih yang terpanjaaaang. it's C!! Oh GOD my mind seems to be running out of my head!!
Habis gua bingung.. Kayaknya tuh jawaban bener semua dah!! Sungguh AMBIGU =.=
Anybody can explain the rite answer to meeeee? x'(

Thursday, April 2, 2009


i'm fasting today.. its 5:05 p.m.
the sun goes down soooo slowly.. i think it's slower than usual.. GOD!! im hungry.. i cant stop thinking of foods! pardon =.=

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

wasabi! what's so special about that??

wasabi! what's so special about that?? gua benci banget wasabi. ngerusak rasa sumpah! sekali makan bikin pala kliyengan, pedes sih enggak.. cuma apa ya.. damn shocking! idung gua langsung berasa panas, panasnya tuh sampe ke otak dah. berasa kesemutan!! sumpah gua ga lebay. coba aja makan wasabi sendiri. bakal sawan lu!!

anehnya temen gue si gitchong suka banget wasabi! kalo makan sushi pake wasabi, banyakan wasabinya daripada sushinya (oke man! kali ini gua lebay, dont throw anything at me, K??). tapi beneran dah. kemaren aja pas makan di ichiban sushi di margo city tuh anak kalap banget makan wasabi sampe sakit perut.. look at this pict!!

wooooooooow!! she's damn addicted to wasabi.

giiiiit giiit.. sadarlah kau nak.. wasabi itu merusak!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My most favorite blog :

Ok.. i wanna share about a blog i love the most :D
It's belong to one of my close friends, inong :). One word to describe it : OUTRAGEOUS!!
She has a special talent in words i think.. I never get bored to read what she wrote (again and again). She has a damn extraordinary link between her mind and her fingers!! XD
It's a simple but fabulous blog. Easy reading!!

Inong yang pinter banget bahasa inggris, selalu pake kata2 keren dalam bahasa inggris yang membantu banget buat nambah kosakata bahasa inggris :)
Sebagian besar isi blog ini tentang pemikiran2 spontan dia tentang sesuatu yang ajaibnya bakal bikin lo ngerasa "Wow i do think so!! But she has described it exactly and much mooore better than meee! How could she be such a genious writer??"
i loveeee her random thoughts! Bener2 mudah dimengerti. Nggak ribet! Sayangnya inong sendiri sering nggak ngerasa kalo pemikirannya itu sangat sangat menarik dan lebih menyukai tipe2 mindset anak HI.
Buka aja blognya! You'll be a fan of her :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

What does DITCHY mean?

Do you remember that i used to use D-I-T-C-H-Y as my nickname and the title of this blog? One day, egiet came to me and started a chat.

egiet : ''lo tau nggak apa arti ditchy?''
gue : ''mmm..'' (mikir)
egiet : ''it means comberan''
gue : (mangap beberapa saat) ''SERIUS??!''
egiet : ''he eh''
gue : ''tapi itu kan merk baju lucu2 gitu.. gue pernah baca kok ada OL Shop yang namanya ditchy juga..'' (ngeles)
egiet : ''itu mah gitchy kali.. that's me.. :D''

Gue baru tau ditchy artinya comberan. it was shocking! really! tapi kalo 'ditch' sepertinya emang artinya comberan.. tapi apa 'ditchy' juga berarti comberan??
oh GOD!! ditchy ditchy ditchy. it sounds cute, doesn't it? tapi kok artinya nggak banget ya? well.. mulai sekarang jangan panggil gue 'ditchy'! K?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fingers & Unspoken words

I love writing. I use my fingers to show my mind. I think spoken words are confusing. When i talk to somebody, i usually get worry of my words. I'm afraid to get wrong. Spoken words can not be erased. So when i talk to someone, face to face, i use my brain very hard. Especially when i talk to someone smarter than me It makes me look silly.
That's why i love written words much more than spoken words. It can be erased everytime you doing wrong, and you won't look silly because people can't see your face while you're 'talking'.
I love my fingers!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ini filosofi gue tentang cinta (sebenernya waktu SMP temen gue yang nyeletuk) :

Cinta itu buta.
Buta berarti gelap dong.
Kalo gelap udah pasti lagi mati lampu.
Kalo mati lampu, disuruh enyak beli lilin di warung.
Lilin di warung, sebatang harganya gopek (Rp. 500,-)

Jadi cinta itu sama dengan duit gopekan.
Makanya nggak perlu nangis karena cinta. Soalnya sama aja kayak elo nangisin duit gopekan sementara lo punya lebih dari gopek di dompetlo.


Fact # 1
It takes up to 1.000 years for plastic bag to degrade.

Fact # 2
An average family of four uses 1.460 plastic bags a year.

Fact # 3
Less than 1% of all plastic bags get recycled.

Fact # 4
Plastic bags are known to choke drainage systems and clog rivers ... causing FLOODS.

Fact # 5
It is estimated 500bilion plastic bags are sold worldwide every year.

Fact # 6
Plastic bag production creates greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming.

Fact # 7
9% of waste in landfills are plastics.

Fact # 8
More than a million birds and 100.000 marine mammals and sea turtles die every year from eating or getting entangled in plastic.

Fact # 9
There are 46.000 pieces of plastic litter floating in every square mile of ocean.

Monday, January 26, 2009

colors of the world

model : bunga
taken by : me
edited by : me

model : gaey
taken by : me
edited by : me

model : me
taken by : gaey
edited by : me

model : gaey
taken by : me
edited by : me

Ini sesi pemotretan di tembok warna-warni. Don't forget to watch more photographs in my deviantart at


Entah kenapa orang-orang pada berasumsi yang enggak-enggak sama gambar di belakang gue. Padahal itu gambar orang pake topi.. Emang keliatan kayak apa sih? Masa katanya kayak ti*it laki. Itu mah lo nya aja yang pada ngeres kaliiii...