Saturday, May 30, 2009

an absurd song : "i know i love you before i meet you"

Tau lagunya Savage Garden yang judulnya "i know i love you before i meet you" nggak?
OH MAN! You don't need to know it, actually.. dari judulnya aja lu bisa tau betapa lebay dan absurdnya tuh lagu. Dan gue baru sadar itu di usia gue yang udah 18 tahun!! How comeee? (ya karena dulu gue ga bisa bahasa inggris, asal nyeblak aja kalo nyanyi.. yang penting enak..)
Maksud gue, dulu gue suka banget tuh lagu.. Emang enak sih lagunya.. Dan kalo didengerin sekarang ya tetep enak.. (gimana sih lu dit??)

Tapi absurd ya ternyata.. Liat aja judulnya dah. Gimana bisa lu cinta ama orang sebelum ketemu orang itu? I meaaaan.. Kalo lu denger keseluruhan lagunya, maksud "meet" di lagu ini bukan ketemu, tapi belom kenal dan belom ketemu. So, savage garden, i've one question for youuuu : "Apa kerjaanlu bertapa selain bikin lagu?". Gila.. Hebat aja.. Ki joko bodo aja ga tau sapa jodohnya..

another favorite blog :)

Follow this blog : for you who do love cameras and photographs, it's a very nice blog to be recomended. check it out!!

ini salah satu blog favorit gue. Punya temen yang satu ekskul fotografi ama gue. Namanya Quly. She's a master of natural photographs. Beda aliran ama gue yang kebanyakan manipulasi ya? hehe..
Dia tau banyak soal kamera, menurut gue. Secara dia megang macem macem kamera dari yang analog ampe digital.
Lebih suka foto natural, it doesn't mean that she can not manipulate a photo. Liat aja beberapa fotonya yang di retouch. Totally ROCKS!!

so you should should shouuuuld visit her blog!! And find out how amazing she is :D

Kangen.. :(

kalo liat foto-foto ini, jadi inget hampir setahunan yang lalu socialite pergi praktek lapangan ke kampung naga. merasakan hidup menderita namun bahagia.... tanpa listrik, batre hape abis mau charge aja berebutan chargeran atau stop kontak XD.
nggak kerasa banget sih ternyata udah setahun lalu ya.. bentar lagi mau pada mencar-mencar.. heav.. i'll be missing them all...

foto bareng di depan kampung naga

naik rakit di situ cangkuang :D

way back homeeeeeee :)

p.s. : kenapa gue tiba tiba pengen nge post soal ini soalnya katanya kampung naga bakal ditutup gara-gara ada peralihan minyak ke gas sehingga masyarakat ampung naga ga mampu lagi buat beli minyak..

makanyaaaaaa KANGEEEEEEEN

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

wanna throw your N73 and get a new blakberry bold?? pikir lagi dehhh..

kenapaaaaaa? karena menurut gue.... kualitas kamera BBB nggak sebagus N73
let me show yaaaaaaa.. dengan sedikit manipulasi jepretan N73 bisa jadi bagus looooh :)

all of those images above were taken by N73 :)

(will) Dreams Really DO Come True (?) :nohope:

What day is it? It's Tuesday, May 26th 2009.

Two days more, and i'll be 18 years old. Heav!! I'm getting older.
I've stopped making a wish on my birth day since i was 7. Yea.. karena gue tau kalo gue nggak bakal dapet yang gue mau meskipun itu cuma hadiah sepele yang nggak mahal-mahal amat..
But now.. I'm really thinking of the things i want for my birth day and writing down 5 things i don't give fuck about.

1. DSLR nikon D90
Karena gue emang suka banget fotografi tapi nggak pernah punya kamera yang bagus buat motret. I really want it.. really really.. that's why i put it on the top of my wishlists..
GOD!! It's damn fabulous.. May you give me one? Not now huh? O.K. no problemo..

2. Notebook
Actually i don't really craving for it, but i can't deny i (will) need it. My father will give it to me. He has promised. Acer please pa..

3. Blackberry Bold
For what? Biar gaul aja sih.. haha :ditimpukbatu:

4. iPod
I do love music.. And i really want to own it.. But once again i have no hope that i'll get it..

5. Teddy Bear
When i was a little girl, i really wanted it for my birth day present but until now, i have not had it. May be my boyfriend will gimme? :nohope:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

hari burung gitchan dan Abraham Lincoln

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.." ~ Abraham Lincoln

itu status update FBnya gitchan, temen gue yang hari ini ulang tahun. I love that quote. It really sounds wise, doesn't it? :D
happy bird day gitchan.. Selamat hari burung XD XD

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Nice Quote, Tanjoubi Omedetou Inong!!

Well.. I got myself motivated after i read this quote. Hope you'll be the same. This is for my people who still can't decide what he/she wants. Especially for you, who gonna face UMB or SNMPTN and doesn't have any idea about what major you'll choose in the University. Here we go..

You have brain in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose
You are on your own and you know what you know and you are the one who'll decide where you'll go on the place you'll go

Sebenarnya sih.. I dedicate this post for Inong, my smart classmate yang bakal ikut UMB. Karena sepertinya dia masih ragu sama jurusan yang bakal dipilihnya.. And because today is May 1st and it means, today is her birthday.. I really wanna say ''TANJOUBI OMEDETOU, INONG!!'' and "GANBATTE FOR UMB!!"