Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(will) Dreams Really DO Come True (?) :nohope:

What day is it? It's Tuesday, May 26th 2009.

Two days more, and i'll be 18 years old. Heav!! I'm getting older.
I've stopped making a wish on my birth day since i was 7. Yea.. karena gue tau kalo gue nggak bakal dapet yang gue mau meskipun itu cuma hadiah sepele yang nggak mahal-mahal amat..
But now.. I'm really thinking of the things i want for my birth day and writing down 5 things i don't give fuck about.

1. DSLR nikon D90
Karena gue emang suka banget fotografi tapi nggak pernah punya kamera yang bagus buat motret. I really want it.. really really.. that's why i put it on the top of my wishlists..
GOD!! It's damn fabulous.. May you give me one? Not now huh? O.K. no problemo..

2. Notebook
Actually i don't really craving for it, but i can't deny i (will) need it. My father will give it to me. He has promised. Acer please pa..

3. Blackberry Bold
For what? Biar gaul aja sih.. haha :ditimpukbatu:

4. iPod
I do love music.. And i really want to own it.. But once again i have no hope that i'll get it..

5. Teddy Bear
When i was a little girl, i really wanted it for my birth day present but until now, i have not had it. May be my boyfriend will gimme? :nohope:

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